Yogadarshanam offers one of the best 200hours hatha yoga teachers training in Mysore . 200 hrs hatha yoga teacher training course is for you if you are looking for pure hata yoga with various hatha yoga concepts like yoga asana, pranayama, shat kriya sound, bandha, mudra etc. Hatha means balance of ‘Ha’ and the ‘tha’ energy through different techniques suggested in hatha yoga pradeepika and other classical hatha yoga text.

At yogadarshanam Santhoshji designed a perfect yoga sequence and suitable training curriculum with a years of experience and experiment of training thousands of yoga teachers.
The hatha yoga training ensures that you are going to balance your body and posture with a right alignment and correction with 12+hours daily engagement and maximum number of Asanas (150) which is taught across the globe and originally illustrated in many teachings of Indian yoga legends. Also you continue to manage your prana to flow in it’s rhythm and mind in it’s equanimity to experience ultimate joy with a continuous yoga sadhana, understanding your body is a mean to reach your goal without missing any necessary elements of hatha.
With this Yogadarshanam confirms and allows you to establish your own entry to journey of hatha yoga and to grow as a hatha yoga instructor with a international yoga teaching eligibility (RYT) accredited by yoga alliance and Yogadarshanam institute. 200hours yoga teachers training in Mysore by Yogadarshanam is one of the most popular Yoga teachers training course in India
Hatha yoga teacher training level-1 has an intelligent curriculum with all yoga concepts with rich knowledge and practical experience.
1) Light on Hatha Yoga:
The training has two asana session in a day. Each session is given with carefully designed asana sequence linked with proper counter pose in combination with breathing exercises, loosening exercise, such salutations and around 100-150 asanas of 6 different category. Asaanas are served from beginners to intermediate level with proper adjustment and modification tips based on body shape and conditions.
Asana class will be ‘led’ in the beginning to understand techniques, breathing etc. Later Mysore style class will continue in Asana training session to reach each one for personal attention to progress more and to achieve skills and techniques in Asana practice.
- Breathing exercises – Scale your breath and tune it
- Loosening exercises – Before from injuries and stretch to the sky
- Asanas – Regain your health and rejoin to give a nice pose.
- Sun salutation – Awake your inner sun and become brightest star in yoga
2) Amazing Prime Methodology:
The following subjects are studied to understand yoga training and teaching in an amazing series.
- Structure of the hatha yoga class.
- The process of yoga teaching lesson plan for different yoga concepts.
- The methodology of teaching yoga.
- Physical body related and
- Mental body related
- Steps to present your class (panchanga)
- Name in Sanskrit and English
- Demo – learn when to talk and when to be silent
- Proper explanation or instructions
- Learning benefits and limitations.
- Students practice and management.
The process of correction and modification includes learning oral corrections and physical corrections. Understand when to touch and modify your asana or teach it’s variations.
- The concepts of evaluation of the class to get best result in your teachings.
3) Light on Pranayama:
Learn details of Ashta kumbhaka (8 different kinds of pranayama), practise of the most important 10 pranayama techniques, benefits, limitations, and understand the details of pranayama mudras, bandha practice, guidelines for practising pranayama, right postures, and so on.
4) Love of Wisdom – Yoga Philosophy:
All information’s are not knowledge, all knowledge is not wisdom our teachers training covers essential yoga philosophy and its practical for day to day scenario.
- Understanding the meaning of yoga in different prospective and classical definitions.
- This process and concepts of union.
- Origin and development of yoga.
- Different yoga styles
- Study of Ashtanga yoga and important yoga sutras of gomadhi pada and sadhana pada.
- Diet brief details on nutrition.
- Different reasons to consider vegetarian food.
- Yoga food and tri gunas.
- The concepts of prana, nadi, chakra and kosha in detail.
5) Mind your Mind – Meditation:
You will learn the concepts of concentration (dharane) and dhyana (meditation) understanding meditation in different ways. Guidelines to meditate and 3 different type of meditation practice.
6) Light on Practicum:
Using all the knowledge of methodology, students will take practical class based on 5 steps process as explained before to master the instruction skills and to train in yoga teaching with the supervision and feed back of physical part (Asana etc) and mental part (shavasana, etc.) to train thoroughly.
7) Be pure – Shat Kriya Practice:
You will learn different purification techniques, like kapalabathi, trataka, jalanethi, sutranethi, shankhapratikshasana etc. with its therapeutic usage and contra indications.
8) Light on Mystic Chants:
This session covers opening prayer and closing prayers, along with many useful yoga prayers for peace, pranayama, sun salutation, meditation, master, meals etc. with meaning and proper pronunciation. You will also learn details of japa, om, mantra, slokas etc.
9) Swadhyaya – Self Practice:
Students should do self practice on all yoga modules through out 4 weeks. This includes participation in discussion, learning demonstration of different yoga techniques, observation of fellow master’s classes etc.
10) Anatomy and Physiology of Hatha Yoga:
- Concepts of anatomy and physiology.
- Fundamental units of human anatomy.
- Study of skeletal and muscular system.
- Joints articulation.
- Different factors for flexibility.
This course is not for you, if you are suffering from knee arthritis, sever back pain or neck pain. If this is the case your may join our yoga therapy practice.
Regular Schedule
5.30am to 6.00am | : Yoga Walk, Mindfulness, etc., |
6am to 7.30am | : Asana Practice, Breathing Techniques, Loosening Exercises, Surya Namaskara (Sunrise time), Relexation Techniques. |
7.30am to 8.30am | : Pranayama and Meditation Practice. |
8.30am to 9.30am | : Break Fast. |
9.30am to 10.30am | : Yoga Theory, Yoga Philosophy, Yoga Sutra, etc., |
10.30am to 11am | : Break. |
11am to 12pm | : Vedic anatomy and Medical Anatomy. |
12pm to 1pm | : Teaching Practice. |
1pm to 1.30pm | : Lunch Break. |
1.30am to 3.30pm | : Family time, You can use your Cell Phone and Laptop. (We strictly give permission this time only) |
3.30pm to 3.45pm | : Herbal Tea /Coffee Break. |
3.45pm to 5.15pm | : Classical Ashtanga Asana Practice. |
5.15pm to 6.15pm | : Learning Corrections, Asana Techniques, etc., |
6.15pm to 6.45pm | : Shower Break. |
6.45pm to 7.30pm | : Ananda Yoga, Mantra, Bhakti Yoga, Chanting, etc., |
7.30 pm to 8.00pm | : Dinner Time. |
8.00pm to 9.00pm | : Study, Swadhyaya. |
9.00pm to 9.30pm | : Star Gaging and Solitude by Introversion. |
9.30pm | : Nidra Yoga (Sound Sleep) |
- Our TTC engages more than 12hours
- Additional courses are covered in different timings
- Schedule subject to change , Hence do not engage in any other activities
* 2nd-30th Oct
* 2nd-30th Nov
* 2nd-30th Dec
* 2nd-30th Jan
* 1st - 28th Feb
Only our yoga teachers training course in india covers additional courses freely and separately for our yoga teachers during yoga TTC to make you confident and comfortable to handle all kind of yoga students in the class. You will definitely surprise that this is first and best opportunity in India .
Topics :
- Yoga Therapy Sessions – Theory and Practical on most common diseases to handle patients in the class.
- Pregnancy Yoga Training – Pre-conception, Prenatal stage and Postnatal stage in detail to handle pregnant women in the class.
- Kids Yoga Training with Acro Yoga Techniques – to manage children in the yoga class.
- Mudra Yoga – study of gestures to treat health issues when some one is not able to do yoga postures and exercises.
Note :
- Its is not just title but a standard Course where you need to pay high PRICE.
- All courses are FREE with study materials
- One can skip if it is hectic.
- Courses are covered with special schedule apart from main TTC schedule. So, Don’t engage in any activities during our TTC.
- Certificates are provided on demand with nominal certification charges.
Yogadarshanam -Yoga Ashrama providing our own accommodation which is very ambient , beautiful and well furnished just like home away from your home . Room includes good bed, attached Clean toilet , shower , hot water , fan , 24/7 light. Your stay cunnect with Garden and nature . Near by Water lake , Bird Sanctuary, Sunset point , beautiful Temples to spend free time and make your stay pleasant .
Vegetarian Yoga Food is served in our Yoga Restaurant . All vegetables are fresh collected from near by farmers. You can also order our tasty food , snacks, chats and yoga beverages on payment in the premises .
Ashrama also has a small Shop
To buy necessary things here.
Bed Size –
A. King
A. Single room
B.Twins Sharing Room
C. Dormitory
Note: Both accommodation and food are inside the premises served according to your yoga course or stay as applicable . If any additional stay or guests charged separately for ashrama maintenance.
Other facilities:
students can access these facilities during their stay in our Yoga Training course on demand .
1. laundry
2. Doctors on call
3. Arranging trip , etc
A practical and theory test will be conducted at the end of the course. You will receive a 200-hour Yogadarshanam certificate accredited by Yoga Alliance, USA. You will be a proud yoga teacher to life a sport of yoga with your own yoga journey.
We suggest you to register your course for your convenient dates and start to work on preparatory materials sent to you. We also share video links to practice without any injuries till you come to the shala. Best book to refer is light on yoga by B.K.S Iyengar.